Smart-CO2 Sensor Demo
With GSS CozIR Sensors
With Winsen MH-Z19 Sensors
Smart CO2 monitoring with different sensors
Continuous monitoring of the CO2 concentration of the ambient air via the Sigfox cloud (or any proprietary subGHz network). The use case is mainly monitoring a remote environment or a location, where WiFi / LAN or BT / BLE is not available.
The demo is equipped either
- with Winsen Sensors ( e.g. MH-Z19 for cost sensitive applications ), or
- GSS CozIR-LP Sensors ( Low Power or battery operated applications )
- CozIR-LP2 (with UART and I2C)
- CozIR-LP (with UART)
Key features of the sensors
Sensing CO2 concentration in an lab environment (open frame sensor demo) up to 10.000 ppm with a 30..50ppm typical measurement accuracy. On power-up, the sensors start taking measurements. Measurements can be cyclic or output on request.
Please refer to the data sheets of the implemented sensor for details.
- Sigfox or proprietary subGHz (868 MHz) communication with control or monitoring service (direct or via cloud) for multiple sites
- The boards provide an UART interface (U1_RX and U1_TX, Pins 9 and 10 of the SIGFOX-MOD1-C ) used to communicate with the module (and via the module microcontroller to the sensor), Baud Rate 115200, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity Bit
- Please check the modem for details
Additional features of the Sensor Demo board
- +3V3 Output
- In-circuit debugging/programming pins for STM32 on the modem for proprietary subGHz communication (SWDIO, SWCLK, NRST, GND, +3V3)
Sigfox cloud service
- The Sigfox smart cloud technology provides
- Simultaneous monitoring of all sensor demo sites
- Central control of CO2 thresholds
- Alarm on mobile device, if thresholds are reached
- Documentation of daily status
- No WLAN necessary
- Simple setup
- LoRaWAN instead of Sigfox
- Customized thresholds for CO2 indication / alarm
- Adjustable transmission-rate and transmission triggering ( adjustable sending schedule, on value change, on alarm )
- Operation up to 10.000 ppm possible
- Optional additional sensors, e.g. temperature or atmospheric pressure
- Remote setting of alarm threshold
- Housings
- any other CO2 sensors of other suppliers