USB Kickstart-Development Kit

"Plug and Sigfox"

This USB Dongle is the hardware, that is needed to communicate over the Sigfox network in both directions.

We have prepared a SW for Windows that encapsulates all the underlying AT-command communication to the dongle.

Neither hardware wiring or soldering, nor embedded or application programming is needed.

So, you just have to enter the data to send either in ASCII or Hex or a Bit and press the button.

You can monitor the message in the backend of the Sigfox Cloud.

Of course the dongle comes with the needed Sigfox credentials (ID and PAC) so you can activate it easily, after purchasing Sigfox connectivity at

Off the shelf usage

The main purpose for the SIGFOX-UBS2-C is to give you a quick setup to send data from your PC or any other system with USB port to the Sigfox Cloud. So you can see what our SIGFOX-MOD1-C on the inside can, and how it is commanded and how the Sigfox Network and Backend can be used.

Here a example setup and simplified workflow:

Plug the SIGFOX-UBS2-C dongle to a windows system
Purchase your Sigfox connectivity online via
Login to the Sigfox Backend with your account
Select the device and change to the Messages Tab
Start our XoverIoT Sigfox Terminal program
Enter some data, e.g. Hello world and press Send

After the magic of the module and the Sigfox network is done, you can see the message occurring in the backend.

Programmatic usage

Of course you can command the Dongle from your own application program by using the AT-command set, given in the modem datasheet. ( see link below ).

The dongle is showing up in your operating system as a virtual com port. Just open the appropriate port ( 115200Baud, 8,1, N ), send commands and read the response.

Start with the simplest command “AT” and the dongle will responde with “OK”. Whenever this is working in your programming, the rest will be straight foreward.

Some Brainfood

IT Router Monitoring

So what to do with such a thing in the real world. Here is one example.
You could monitor systems and devices which are connected to the internet or running a cyclic service and you want to know when something is going wrong there.
For professional device builders:
Roll your own FW which is sending some data cyclicly to the SIGFOX-USB2-C and gather the data out of the Sigfox Cloud to process it and provide it either to your customers or to your service personal.
For individuals:
Write an application for your device and send messages to the SIGFOX-USB2-C using our super easy AT-command sets, configure the Sigfox backend to forward you an email to your cell phone with the data you sent.



router with connected SIGFOX-USB2-C to cell phone application

Usage with Android Cell Phone

You can extend your cell phone with Sigfox connectivity.
See the application note how to set up the connection and how to send data with a terminal programm.
It is proven to work under Android© 9 and 11 , but it should also be possible to do the same under iOS©.
SIGFOX-USB2-C connected to Cell Phone